Sunday, December 6, 2015

by Sonia Purnell 

What's that famous saying? Behind every great man is a great woman. Winston Churchill's wife, Clementine (her name was pronounced as if the last four letters in her name were written as "teen"), was way more than just an extension of him. For fifty-seven years, she stood by his side and was his adviser, supporter, and consultant. Clementine did so much for Winston. She was his greatest asset.
Winston trusted her completely and was completely dependent upon her. She boosted him up, guided him, and prevented him from making mistakes. Her role as the prime minister's wife went above and beyond any of America's First Ladies. Clementine made such an impression on world leaders that she was honored by both the British monarchy and the Soviet Union.
She was an incredible woman and Winston would have been nothing without her.
Clementine is an outstanding biography. The last time anything was written about her was forty years ago, a book by one of her daughters. Apparently that one had many things missing. Fortunately this current one by Sonia Purnell fills in the gaps and then some.
How Clementine was able to put up with such a self-absorbed, egotistical, vain, and compassionless man was something that she had to bear and suffered for it. Winston was very demanding and childish, yet Clementine was somehow able to rise above it and smooth things over. They loved each other very much. It was an incredible partnership.
It's about time that Clementine is now in the forefront where she belongs. 
Very highly recommended.